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Monday, August 10, 2009

A letter to Pat (wtf is this all about?)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005,
The date of inspiration and application.Yes,another real letter to a friend of mine that is mostly corny humor.I was under the influence of a malted beverage,several.

Folks,if after reading this and maybe several times more,you don't know wtf is going on,then guess what,you didn't need to know in the first place,you nosey fat bastard!!.That, will describe almost everybody,aren't words wonderfull?.

Dear Pat:

What do you get for a man that has most everything technical in toys, to express gratitude for friendship and methodological help with the far side of computers? A, gift that will be a useful thing, yet natural enough to entertain your very exceptional inquisitiveness as well.

To choose something that brings us back to an era when we had no such thing as computers and we were encouraged to use our minds to solve the simplest math to the most challenging phasing of atomic matter on paper. Let me ramble on and perhaps I can describe how I chose to get this gift for you.

Get a drink and sit down in a cosy chair, this might take a while or not, depends on fast you read this letter. The purpose is to inform you of trivial stuff and useless information that for some reason we may require it to answer a question in the future, like in a game of Trivial Pursuit, perhaps.

Well, Pat you know you have dazzled me and numerous others with your intelligence and very exceptional observations of life in this region of little variation (which means you may be not from here after all, It has been written and confirmed so, therefore its…true).

Does the name W-O-O-D-F-O-R-D sound familiar? An, area known for, small burning bushes for some apparent reason.

Listen, if at any time, you feel over whelmed, you can put this down and read it later, and if you’re not too busy perhaps the subtle and coy nuisances will unravel themselves to you, like in the prisoner of Azkaban or not.

Sorry, I digress ,You are no doubt aware that we (you and I) are a real pair of unique people that have exposed many subjects on the earth and examined the mysterious space dimension beyond our sight, but not our minds.

For example:, analog to digital conversions, time warps, theory of family relativity, and scientific best guess, such as water into wine and finally explanations of hi tech science too often opaque elsewhere, like the internet and the speed of light.(where did the time go?)

We have drunk the golden nectar from the Gods that have provided our minds eye with a clear vision and deep understanding, making us one with the universe, mostly when we are in the zone of mind melding, reformatting a hard drive, or simply sharing malted beverages, is there any difference of opinion?, I don’t think so, save your breath.

You have a far side to you, Jon Luc Pate`. Know yourself well; be one within, listen and the forces that bewitch you, it’s like having an epiphany, like the one that struck me as I write this elemental letter.

This came so logically to me the words just flowed to the page and I had to laugh as I could see your face and you would be thinking, holy shit, the Zbig has really lost it this time. Read on.

You are sensitive about the fact that there is so little material to challenge your psyche and character and I have listened and thought what the hell I am I going to do to solve this problem?. I have asked and received this knowledge in a stroke. I must have recovered because I am still here;

Anyway I have sought out this question and began my hunt in earnest to bring you a challenge worthy of your self-ness. Then I remembered you mention the Mensa Test, hence, something of incalculable knowledge to be read well and see the way of the force. Simple, yet satisfying.

Listen, if at any time, you feel over whelmed, you can put this down.

But, first, some vital stuff to be familiar with, as you know, you disregard it instantaneously.
*This, is factual and hopeless, too many addictives in the beer, again. That explains a lot now, dough nut, why we get impulsive and rampant at the mouth at times.

*Scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 12 men 12 pints of beer each and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and couldn't drive. No further testing is planned.

Sorry, I digress, you might feel like reading this again, you may, nose` a problemo` signor`. Do it, the truth will set you free, find out who-you-are Jock-u-lair. By now you are wondering dozen this person have too much time on his hands?

The answer is a maybe, so what, time has no relevance to the length of the subject written, discussed or disused, and why computers came to be transporters to the far side, remember Bill Gates, Jon luc? He had too much time on his hands and look where it got him.

The best answer is to experiment on your self, Pat and find out. What are my genuine limits, do I need to know, does any one else need to know, does this mean that I am as smart as I am or am I smarter than I was or in fact was I smarter to begin with, am I the product of my colon-iz-ation or the sum of all my fears OR, is some nuc-kow-ski freakin` body playing hockey with my head, man?.

Listen, if at any time, you feel over whelmed.

I found this item and my sincere thinking is that this will challenge your mind and give it the exercise it deserves. And you can’t judge a book by its cover, rather by what is contained within, so I hear.

Please translate the introduction carefully, it gives clues to many of the answers and don’t be afraid about feeling like an old kid, because you recognize age knows no genius.

Consequently, no genius knows his age, only his strengths, are you getting this ok? You can walk away if want, I guarantee not to tell any one, nothing about nothing ,it never happened, this communiqué will burn up in 30 seconds anyway.

However, if you decide otherwise, please enjoy and I can assist you with this task, I could consider this an honour and duty to help you all full fill your density. (In other words 2b as thick as a brick)

Thank you fur your in-dull-gents on this matter, may all the orifices bewitch you, Jon Luc Pate`

Your unassuming, modest, humble, indefatigable, multipurpose, petulant and steadfast servant and having said that, I rest myself and you say what??

(canuunderstandanyofthis) Listen

Zee-big`-e-`nuff`-fur- u?

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