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Saturday, September 10, 2011

You, sir have to move your (shed)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

You, sir have to move your sheds!

For over two years I had a portable shed that I bought at C.T.C. store (Canadian tire) and dragged all over the side and back yard to suit where I wanted it to be. After two years this began to look ragged and I decided to get a real wooden shed built by a local Mennonite farmer in the area.(and all this time no-one said "boo").

So, they came and built this shed in 4 hours from preassembled pieces and it was done. And after a few days I dismantled the old portable and took it to the dump. And moved my stuff in and began to clean up the back yard.

This honeymoon only Lasted a few weeks when I got a visit and a letter from the City officials proclaiming I must move the two sheds which I had in the back yard. Move or remove my two sheds. Apparently, acting on a complaint from unknown neighborhood yob. The City By-law enforcement office, then asked me to respond shortly.

The problem is: that my two sheds are located within the hazard area and that folks is a big no-no here about’s. It has taken from August 23rd until September 10th to get proper set backs measurements and permissions to move my sheds on my property which I pay taxes on every year with out fail. Amen.(reason for the delays,Holidays,summer vacations and I also have a life outside this situation).

I will continue this later as I am now busy getting the sheds raised and prepared to roll them to a new spot which” I can choose as long as it falls outside the designated hazard area”. Amen again.

2012: the people came back to check.!!

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