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Monday, December 23, 2013

The Caveman at the Liquor Store.

Caveman at the Liquor store

Hi folks, to-day the caveman was at the local liquor store and was minding his own business as usual. Now, for those of you that know me, know that any time I venture to the outdoors into the general populace is not, I don’t have a usual time.

I have a adventure where I met a like-minded person, usually a female that is on my wave-length.(mice and men have the same wave length, now how a female gets in this equation, well, I don’t know.) Another story.

I am, cashing out with my purchase of different wines and home brewed in small batches ale and I turn to hear this women chatting about a hockey team, (Maple Leafs) and how dish-pissed she is with their performance.(caveman are drinking wine this year?).

Anyway, what are the chances that you bumped into a fellow hockey person that can talk with more gusto than the (don) Cherries on TV.?., in my humble opinion not to many esp. a female.(she is really good looking as well).

And as a side note she has some J.D.,(Jack Daniels, old #7), in her cart, well you all know where I am going to go, if-fin’s she invites me that is. I, almost quit talking about the team and wanted to know more about her, but, I held back, no use making a fool of yourself, besides her partner was the size of two-bubba’s and looked just as stern, but friendly.(maybe).

Well, he had something that came as a prize with his purchase,(1.5 litre of Crown Royal) so this man has some panache in any case). What a big guy, he makes a twin door side-by-side fridge look f-fin small, if in, you know what I mean.

Anyway, this Lady and I we just chat away about hockey and our relics,(relatives), just like we know’ ed each other all our life’s, it was getting Her going, because She started to close the personal space, from comfortable, to, ”are you-all busy to-night”.?., yep, I am sure I glad I had my personal-under-arm-deter-inset on, because we was that close.

Another side note, when you all go to the alcohol store be sure you are half-in-the-tank, when you go there,. you goanna need all the help you can get. Did, I tell you all that to-day I finished bottling a 6 week kit of wine, Shiraz-merlot, with hidden hints of fruit-us-merit-z-black-berries and small hints of oak,??.?. AND, I was test driving a few litres of it.(caveman are drinking wine this year).

Go, Leafs, we all hug and wish each other a Merry Christmas and the sales clerk is looking outta place and wishes us a good day, eh.!!.(young-kin, who is goanna save them)?. I love the liquor store, Merry Christmas you all and for those of you that are politically correct, Baa-humbug.!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bolero de Ravel - Flashmob per la Banda Simfònica d'Algemesí

Ode to Joy - Flash Mob Started by One Little Girl

Time has vanished in the Mist

Time, vanished in the Mist

Its three years since Mom has passed,

That time has gone, vanished in the mist.

Three years, I can’t believe it

The pain has soften, but tinges occur.

Our lives have slowly move on

Things change and the kids grow

And begin to disrespect and saucy in their talk

Still, it hurts to hear it and think of simpler times.

When these little boys were infants in diapers

And depended on us for their care and comfort

And we willingly did it and gave up sleep

So, they could have some peace in their lives.

As they grew so did our parents in the differing way

They began to show signs of the golden age

As it began to slow things down for them

Slowly and steady as it goes and they complied.

Soon our worries began to focus more on them

As the they needed more care for ailments

Doctors appointments and more tests

To find out what’s going on.

The news was a shock of course

She has cancer

Its not a good thing to hear

Her time is very short

They said they could do some tests

To determine the extent

And plan the next move

Still not much time.

When it was all said and done

Tidy up your affairs

You have only,…………..

This amount of time.

It was not a pleasant occasion as we learned

To deal with the realities of her life

Mom, was the one that was giving us hints

On how to treat her in the time left.

She was brave and peaceful

And didn’t complain

Just give me my meds please

I feel some pain.

Its, been three years since Mom has passed,

That time has vanished in the mist.

Bruce Nuckowski


The Thrill of Living

To watch the sun set in the west

Without regretting;

To hail its advent in the east-

The night forgetting

To touch the cup with eager lips

And taste, not drain it;

To woo and tempt and court a bliss

And not attain it;

To fondle and caress a joy, yet

Hold it lightly;

Lest it become necessity and cling

Too tightly;

To smother care in happiness and

Grief in laughter;

To hold the present close – not

Questioning hereafter;

To have enough to share – to

know the joy of giving;

to thrill with all the sweets of

life – is living.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


MOTHER HEΔLTH: ALLERGIES - WHAT THE PHLEGM?: We inherit a lot of our allergies from our parents.  But we also acquire allergies from bad diet, environment, medications, etc.   Allergie...

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I know God is giggling!

A Florida Court Sets Atheist Holy Day! Gotta love this Judge!
You must read this...... A proper decision by the courts... for a change.

In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.

The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood and objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others.

The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays..."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counselor, is woefully ignorant."

The lawyer said," Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fool's Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day.

Court is adjourned..." , You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!

Hi Bob:

When I read this I began to think about the certain council person in our fair town that was offended because the saying of the Lord’s Pray was infringing on the “exclusive” types, whom by the way don’t give a rats ass about this at all.

Maybe I should send her a copy and ask that she put forward a motion to, announce, April 1st as a public holiday for all the non praying types that attend council meetings. And these are the same people that have a difficulty singing “Oh Canada” as well.

This begs the question, ”what does she do, if she goes to church”? My opinion she doesn’t go there often and when she does its for show and nothing else. It’s a personal thing, I will pray only when I want, but you can’t pray when we are in session at a meeting and I am there. wtf.???

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why don’t I write to paper anymore?

Bob is a long time acquaintance from our former glory days of youth. We have known and wizened ourselves from the school of Hard Knocks n Bumps, our diplomas of merit are near??. He looks like a professor of Diplomas etuis’ Emeritus quo sancta humanae and speaks as such..

My Friend Bob asked me one day why don’t I write to paper anymore. Bob, I, said, its like this, there is so much to write about that the local paper scarcely does its job as it is. For me to write them and criticize or inform them of the social injustices that be fall us would be over whelming. We both can articulate on anything from the idiots on council, the overpriced rec centre, the wasted treatment plant, to the mundane.

But, you can’t write about it as the newspaper and the city hall siesta together and indeed make strange bed fellows and that’s is all that I am going to say, unless asked for further opinions. The audacious squeaks that emit when THEY walk are not from their shoes.(in my humble opinion).

That’s why THEY have to censor most of the news that is local to us readers. THEY in fact don’t care about too much what happens in the community as long as its big news. For example the” exclusion of the Lord’s Pray at council meetings”, maybe. To me that should have had more coverage than it did.

You can blame the people that don’t care as long as THEIR right to know what is going on is expressed in a clear and transparent manner. What bullshit, the government of the day can’t do that and we the little people demand this of our city bureaucrats. Hey-now, social equality lives.!, so it does.

(their are numerous idiot’s on council, but one female in particular which is anti-creed),thought it was “exclusive” of certain peoples rights to say a opening prayer. Well, THESE people didn’t care one way or the other, THEY never mentioned it.

 Having nothing more intelligent to do with THEIR time, THEY decided to jump on the “spiritual” bandwagon and make a commotion.(two of a kind spells danger.)

I offer no apology towards this person because she is just doing her job and I am doing mine, madam, you are an idiot, the best I have ever seen. You are a “LULU”. Your justification for intelligence escapes me. Bullshit will baffle brains and common sense, when applied in a substantial portion of deceitfulness.

There was so much to do about this that even writing and asking to reconsider was considered as an act of defiance, I just want the prayer to be said as usual and THOSE whom are insulted can leave and return when it’s over. Hell, if you went to THOSE other spiritual places do you think THEY quit saying their prayers because you all were “exclusive” , hell no,!! either like it or get outta de mosque.

Well, you know the results, the idiots have caved in, to the other idiots all in the name of being political correct, bullshit again. And if you dare raise this subject, all the prime and proper, get pissed.

Folks, my mother-in-law, Summed this best “its all going to hell in a hand basket”. All the people that made this country what it is, must be turning in their graves, because of so called intelligent people. The reason you were elected to office is, a better chance of us , to “tar n feather” if you did a piss poor job.

Did I mention that I wasn’t from here.!!? This is why Bob, I don’t write to the paper.!!, THEY, can’t print this. This is too, exclusive.!! As I am only picking on one or two idiots, better I slander the whole council and make it worth my while, maybe fresh fodder for the newspaper.

Your friend in your debt, lets us pray,

May the idiots we entrusted power to, may they see the errors of their ways and when it comes to elect them again, I won’t . Amen.

And no, folks, I am not a red necked bigot, in case you were wondering, and I did mention that I wasn’t from here. And to close, if this has offended anyone, if any of you (aka THEY) resemble the said subjects of my rant, I am apologetic, the truth bites just as sure as a junkyard dog at midnight.

Good nite Bob,