Preamble: I was researching a name on the website and by chance I wrote this name and was amazed at what I read and this prompted to write this obituary.
I read your obituary ,When I saw your name and your age of death,
I felt very sadden, Its not fair, to leave us soon.
I, couldn’t imagine the thought. Its enough when you lose your parents,
but a child, its awful. Yes, I know you were a young adult, but, in the tree of life, a child.
I never met you, nor did I know you were on this earth,
until yesterday, I read your obituary, I was searching for something else.
and your name came to my mind and within a few seconds, I was reading about you,
I read your obit, read it again and I reminisced the names of your Family.
I knew your Grandparents and aunt when I was younger and we had no idea what the world had in store for us. Wide eyed and naïve we were and just went on blind faith, And at once it seems were thinking what was in store for them, what would the future bring. Time moves quickly and fate does what it does. Little, did we know that a mutant cell was going to claim your life so soon.
I read your obituary ,When I saw your name and your age of death, I felt very sadden, Its not fair, to leave us soon. That thought will never leave me and in a moment when I want to just rest, your name will come to me and I think about what could have been for you. Its not fair, is there any justice left.? Tears, easily flow and I weep, for you. Life, isn’t fair.!!.
After a space in time, I begin to slow down and tell myself you are in a better place and yes, the pain of your death is still fresh in many minds, I am sure their thoughts are the same as this grieving process continues. The episodes will occur less often and we will still cry for your memory and how much we miss you and begin again to restore our selves.
To your Family and friends that knew you and loved you, raised, praised and cared for you, From the moment of your birth, to the moment of last breath, I offer my sincere condolences and forever in time, your memory will remain. Rest in peace.
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