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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Its been 6 years since Mum has passed.

It has been 6 years since Mum has passed away.

That time has gone by fast is the common phrase I use in my memories of this wonderful Woman, Mother and Grandmother. The Grandchildren ask about ( GG) and Nana tells all the stories she can remember before the spirit  of their youth  takes over and they change the subject and go off to play.

Mum has two  sisters still living and they are battling the effects of advanced age and all its precautions that go with it. When we visit them it’s like were looking at Mum as well because they remind us so much of her. Nana looks like her mom and one sister burst into tears when she sees her.

When the Family gathers, we easily discuss the memories of Mum and for a short time all kinds of stories come out and they run from early child hood to the present day and we discover new information each time. Is it new or have we forgotten since the last time we met.?  I feel we have forgotten.

I know I have, when asked about certain questions about events I draw a blank, it shows, first words are” you remember that, you were there”. Well, maybe I was, but seriously it does not seem to register. Luckily, others chip in and they fill in the blanks, saved again.

Each one of us handles the anniversary of Mum’s Angel Day in a different way and when we discuss this in a group, I look around and watch the expressions on the faces. Some are happy; others sad and a few are in space. The ones in space have been doing this complication for a long time which at any given moment, that person will go into a “trance”.

The looking through the old photographs and obits seems to be a past time as well, but only to the people endowed with the sixth sense would understand, it’s not everybody. (Our ability to perceive the unseen world of angels, apparitions, Heaven, auras, etc. is what is known as our sixth sense) and not everyone believes, so it’s a thing you keep to yourself, all Moms are clairvoyant.

We all do it and it’s a process of living your life and it’s a good way to confirm we are ok and the sorrow of her passing is healing and pleasant thoughts are hopefully more frequent as well. We go the cemetery and pay our respects and leave flowers and have a small conversation with the loved ones and express our love and how they are missed,” indeed; that time has gone by fast”.

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