Welcome back everyone and to-days story is going to be about: a tribute to the most excellent women, lady, sister, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great grandmother I have had the pleasure to know. Margaret Ellen Edwards. Yes ,she is unique and an original and they don’t make them like that any more. But, lucky thru her children and her grandchildren she is always with us and some of our children even bear her middle name in her memory; that made sure she would be remembered. All her descendents will be the living reminder of her legacy and life. She passed away not long ago.
With out doubt, your Mother (Margaret) will be the most significant individual in our lives. Your lives, were once totally dependent on her for our every need. Many believe that we search for aspects of the mother child relationship during our entire lives. She was your first love and will never be gone from your heart. You will always be in her heart now and in the great beyond. Try telling her not to love you, try telling her to forget you existed. It is impossible. Unless you are a mother yourself, you will never understand the passion of this love. Your mom is such a women, you are blessed as am I and the story goes like this…….she, has and always will put all others ahead of herself.
She, put in a lifetime of devotion and love for her children, that only a mother can give …she willingly gave of herself! Your Mother is seriously ailing, she needs your love and support.(she won’t ask anything of you all that she couldn’t do herself and if she could, would rather do it herself) If, you could, some of you, would take her place and ease her suffering for just a short time.
Her passing away will be a test of everyone’s determination, its your history, perhaps later a lesson will be learned., maybe an unrequited question will linger. And these damn mysteries of life will remain just that, a mystery, unanswered sometimes and some of you needn’t worry it as it is beyond your acuity.
Some of your lessons about life were taught as you sat at her knee and she breathed the little words of comfort and wisdom to you. She dried your tears, wiped your nose ,your little behind’s and kissed you and made it all better and now its your turn. Yes, its her time. She needs her tears to be dried and given a warm embrace and comforting words in her final days. These lessons are now your way of life. Pass it forward.
Later, occasional thoughts of her former presence will enter your mind and for a while you will sense a guilt about not visiting her resting place. This is where you will admit to yourself that you will go the next time and pay your respects. Its up to you, it always has been. In the end tranquility will come to you .
You seek inner soul reconciliations , so we can continue with our lives, so that we can deal with your own life’s conclusions intimately, which we all will face. Your mom has thought about this more readily than she would admit.. There were minor hints in her manner and you will have seen a change in her. There is nothing you can do or say that will dissuade her thoughts now, this is her moment. Like it or not its your time also and now you and Mom are entitled to live this experience out together. It will be difficult to talk to her about these feelings as she will no doubt be unable to do so.
All we can hope is that when the big sleep comes to us, its arrives quietly. Just like a silent canoe that glides thru the still waters of a lake as we paddle, to drink in the beauty that nature offers and quietly reflect our simple thoughts, as the warming breezes waft our face and a little hum begins a new day. Our departure kindly begins a eternal voyage, we become forever young again and leave free and unconfined of the worldly care’s and anguish.
Leonard Alton (her son) wrote a verse called “the canoeist” in this poem he describes very vividly the feelings, the sounds and the surroundings that you can picture and feel the familiarity of being in that canoe. I find comfort in it and reflect as it brings in focus that time passes by quickly (tempus fugit) and before we know it we are thinking about our own mortality often. Is, this what it will be like, a long canoe trip with never-ending days.?
Use your imagination here, we all have preconceived notions of what death is like, as well as the hereafter and we model to make ourselves feel better because we are all worried of this fact and many don’t want to face it. I think this is why many people find a renewal in their faith because of this fact and they want to be prepared to meet their Maker in peace and harmony with themselves and the rest of the World.
This is conspicuous when you see your children, Grandchildren and your aging parents, aunts and uncles that are slowly, gracefully passing thru time and awaiting their turn to meet their entitlements. Its at this time most of us will reflect back when we might have been kids ourselves and think about the antics our parents, and relatives did to make us laugh and enjoyed their lives. Many have passed away now, but their memories linger in our thoughts and hearts.
Life isn’t fair and nobody really cares about your self esteem unless its you. If, you look around life is still rolling along as though nothing has happened. Life continues at a dedicated rate!! A new life is given every 8 seconds and an another life taken every 12 seconds. Mom has shown the courage to continue for as long as it takes and to get as much enjoyment in her remaining time as possible! And to enjoy the fruits of her work hard, her children, grandchildren and great Grandchildren.
Not sure of what you can count on, if you have faith of religion or a position of inner succor, I guess this is where you will find what you seek!., what’s your question? Behold, “the fleeting canoe” awaits you l! Good luck on your journey!
*Act independently and decide your own fate.