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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am the Sears Catalogue Man.

Hi, back again with more of my ramblings. On my route I see shifting dynamics in the neighborhoods such as homes up for sale, homes sold and remodeled and new Families moving in and older people moving out.

To-day’s story is about, an senior, a women, who is struggling with her daily activities and still proud to be in her home but, she now does not pay attention to the small details as her world slowly starts to close in around her. Luckily, there is a next of kin that comes to help and soon she will be moved to a sheltered residence.

When I spoke to her she still remembers when she and her husband first moved there and began to raise their Family. She spoke of where he worked and she was a stay at home mom because the kids came home for lunch and she needed to be there after school. She enjoyed that trip back to memory lane and all the things that meant something to her as a young mother and the fun that they had along with the struggles.

Her kids are grown with their own Families now and she sees the grandkids regularly and enjoys them and is glad to see them leave, they are so busy. Her husband has passed away and she now watches a little TV and looks at the photo albums and quietly naps on the couch. Her time has a certain routine to it now and she gladly follows it as her time here begins to dwindle away.

She is glad to see company once in a while but prefers to be on her own and let the leisure time shroud her as she drifts away in the memories of yesterday. Who knows what she dreams of and how far back she can remember or does it matter as her medication works its magic and gives a small reprieve in time. She begins to muddle up her pills and takes them randomly and has no sense of what is the proper dosage.

Luckily, for her there is a relative that has observed the same thing and has began to come over regularly to care for her and slowly she begins to awaken from her self induced stupor and begins to enjoy what the days and new company have to offer. She begins to go on escorted trips to the store and visit her kids at their home and reawakens within her a reason to her life.

She now begins to work in the yard pulling weeds and replanting flowers and enjoys the pleasure that she has missed for such a long time. She feels a purpose to her life and has told me that time indeed does fly by.

So, her opinion is to live each day and do as much as you can before you can’t.

She was later taken to a nursing home and there she will look forward to, her entitlement, to meet her maker and go in peace to be forever young and throw away the burdens of life and mingle freely among her predeceased relatives and friends. When I visit she barely recognizes me, but I talk to her like this is o.k. and not to worry I, too have spells when I can’t remember stuff either.

Good bye, my spiritual grand mother, live well,................see you tomorrow.

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