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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Did our Aunt Flo leave a recipe book or box?.

Dear Joe:

Do you remember the last letter I wrote to you about the essences of food making me move my mind and I am sure the body did follow, to a different time and place? Well, as I was returning from this place I had another thought pop into my head.

Well, again it’s to do with food and more seriously it is to do with the people that have passed on and what did they leave behind for us as memories? What, I mean is did our Aunt Flo leave a recipe book or box and did by some chance it got willed to one of us?

I know you are laughing about this right now and wondering what a nut bar I must be, but I am very serious about this! If you get a chance phone up and find out will you please?

In my last letter I was writing about the very nice memories our Aunts food that I was getting reoccurring flash backs and how are we going to keep her memory alive if not thru her food recipes. That was my intent, even though I didn’t say it in that many words.

You know at every family gathering and picnic we always looked forward to Aunts Flo’s secret (how come they taste so good, oh it’s a secret and I should have asked more questions) and delicious sandwiches which all just could not get enough of this the stuff I am talking about, and by now your lights have come on and you are saying what a genies ass I am.

So, to finish my thoughts on this, just so you know that this important for all of us to carry on, we have to treasure and preserve these foods for our own grand kids. Yes, I know they may not give a dam, but once they taste them sweet little sandwiches, they are going to be hooked.

So, it is our duty or our replacements, which will no doubt be easy to find, to carry on this work and make sure that those foods are presented to all of us that show up at the Family reunions. So, you have noticed that the attendance is down this year or we are having too many reunions; I believe that these foods from Aunt Flos recipes will draw them back.

So, Joe is you up for the challenge or what? I will help and test drive those sandwiches to make sure they are made just right, because we have a lot riding on this recipe. As I have said it is up to us to inform and teach those young ums all about the past of their heritage and especially the food recipes, which made them the people they are to-day.

Yep, I can see it all now, one bite and we will be mobbed and soon we will have to sell those recipes to them as long as they are kin of course, no interlopers, that’s for sure. Joe, its time for us to act, the talking is over with are you with me or not?

Aunts Flo’s secret sandwiches.

Write to you all real soon,

Love youse all


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