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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer time at the Lake Cottage

Hi Joe:

Well, its raining here, so no outside work. I want to continue about the cottage and what it was like with all the people there that made this place special in its glory days. This is my supposition of the Families.

The main purpose of the cottage was for Family time and to relax from the city or town and enjoy a simpler time as the Families were growing up and struggling with the day to day life. This was a place where the rules could be relaxed and everyone could explore who they were.

Parents of course were still watchful over the kids but it was the aunts and uncles that didn’t hassle them over certain rules. They in fact would encourage the youngsters to do their own thing within reason and still have fun.

This would make your Uncle or Aunt a person to admire more so than Mom and Dad. These people were laid back already because of there nature and the quiet calm and wisdom they had rubbed off on their nieces and nephews. Having said that, they also had a lighthearted side and that’s what was the most fun when they all played games of tag, hide n seek or duck, duck, goose, within limits.

These relatives would instruct the kids on the proper pronouncement of certain words read to them from the paper or magazine as they explored new ways to improve their minds and outlooks on life. These words will stick with them as they brag about “listen to what I can say” and do you know what it means?.

And now the ipads and iphones are the replacements tools the adults use to teach the kids and the kids also can teach the adults as they are more in tune with the technology used in schools. Reading in the bathroom is going to take a new dimension., not the same??, Or different.?. these models even have a piano and guitar programs on them and the kids can play them very well.

Before the advent of hand held electronic games I could imagine that reading out loud, coloring books and looking thru magazines or Sears catalogues was the way to pass time in the evening. They would have their snacks and washed up and now some quiet time before bed to settle them down.

This was a time where the family would bond on a personal level as each child would rotate around the relatives and say their good nights and review that special moment that was fresh in their minds. Hugs and kisses and then off to bed.

Once the kids were in bed the parents would play cards or read or just talk about the events of the day and their own world. The quiet chatter and laughter would drift to the bedrooms of the kids and give them a sense of comfort as the sandman came to put them to sleep. Sometimes the critters of the night might interrupt the sleep but only a short time.

Morning was another adventure waiting to happen as everyone slowly awoke from the sleep and began to go about getting food for the Family. Mom would start the kettle and Dad started the coffee in his usual manner and soon the smells of the breakfast was drifting around and waking the rest of the Family up.

The feeding was in stages as the kids were fed first and then the adults would filter in the empty spots or wait in the rec room for a turn. The kids would get dressed and the younger ones would dawdle in pjs for a while until someone would help them. And soon its time for them to go outside and play.

The day was spent swimming, playing in the fields and forests and getting back in time for a quick snack or lunch and then going away again to continue. The smaller of the kids would have a afternoon nap and the afternoon would laze away into evening. Suppers were the same, kids first and then the adults.

After the dishes were done it was a walk down to the shore and watch the big old sun set into the water ending another perfect day of bliss. The kids were given a quick bath and into their pjs again and the evening would slowly dwindle to bed time for the kids.

This was a wonderful time for all and it was sad to see the aunts and uncles pack up and leave, but the next day more relatives would show up and it all begin again. Summer time at the Lake just never ceases to amaze and revitalize people with a short visit. Time, well spent.

Cheese,........its coool!!
 So, Joe, want to be a kid again??.

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