Hi Joe;
Thank you for the anniversary wishes and its hard to believe we have been married this long and we still like each other. And what else is humorous that the wishes become fewer each year. Well, its not amusing because some of the well wishers have moved on to paradise, so you can’t expect a note from them.
But from all the other people that were there I guess they have forgotten the special moment in time. Our wedding day was the hottest and most humid day in the history of that city in that year. How can you forget that feeling with all your clothes stuck to you like glue and you are sweating in small rivulets from your head to our feet. That is aka “A HOT WET FEELING”, and you can think whatever you want.
After over 40 years of the same date been fĂȘted you think everyone that cared for you would automatically send out greetings just like the other national days of celebration, but not so. People forget about it and just zone in on their lives which now include more celebrations of their own Families.
So, in a way when you have Family Reunions it’s a form of celebration and more likely to see who is here and you won’t be here next year, yes life the never ending cycle of new life and continual passing away.
And to respect those that are close to this plateau, if its of any comfort, we are going there in time. Yes, I know it’s a kick in the nuts, I didn’t say this was a sentimental journey did I.? , I apologize.
Anyway Joe, thank you again and I have to go ,I hear a call for help, its not serious?. The youngest boy is washing dishes and there is water coming down the stairs, so you can, IMAGINE WHATEVER YOU WANT, I GOTTA GO.!!. Did you know that water emerges anywhere.??.
P.S.; Our sons have not acknowledged our anniversity, because they don’t know, what they don’t know.
P.S. 2: (actual e-mail sent to us) please note the sensitivity. “Sorry, we missed your anniversary but since I wasn't there, I don't remember the date. and let me know when your anniversary is so maybe it will get remembered.” Is it Aug. 31st?.(that is a real good one).!wtf ,eh, ??,. Fair enough, that makes sense, you don't know, what you don't know, so all we can say is "you all is forgetfull". I need to pause as a moment as I am choked up with emotions I never knew I had before. I am verclemkept , please discuss among yourselves..
And since you did ask,I still ain't telling you.!!!
So ?? |
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