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Monday, July 16, 2012

I have a spare tire to fit a Mack truck!!

Hi Joe:
Just for the record please read the following before you go any further.

Summer officially kicks off today, with the summer solstice marking the longest day of the year on June 20, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. Yes, its July 16th. So what, write your own story.

This year's summer solstice takes place a day earlier than it's been for the past three years, due to the fact that leap year-day-February-29-calendar-cultures-science, 2012 is a leap year.

That will explain why my spring training has gone all to hell. I am trying to rejuvenate my self to the former glory I once was. Not that it matters but I need to explain it some how. Besides my age I am also fighting a friend called gravity. Its responsible for a lot of sagging parts, which I need to firm up.

Not a pretty picture is it. Don’t think anything other than loose fitting boxer shorts or else if you try to see a person in a swimmers Speedo, you will hurl your lunch. We now pause for that thought to work thru your system and wait to see if your food stays put. (30 seconds should be enough).

I have wanted to ride my “Beemer” for some time now and I need to get in shape to enjoy it more. This bike is meant for a younger body which will take the harsh ride and narrow seat. When I ride I am sure people must wonder why I have 2 sets of saddle bags on the bike. Serious rider with a lot of clothes?.

Walking and playing with the kids is low impact and not too bad, so I need to step it up a notch. I am using my son’s mountain bike with 18 gears in any fashion you want, from real slow to hard core. The seat is harder than the Beemer and it tests all my athletic parts, it needs a fatter seat, softer and wider-wider.

I went for a short ride and I was done, all body parts went on strike and I had to push the bike home for a block. I didn’t know so many parts could hurt at the same time. Going downhill is easy, up hill,.. not!!. To say I had an after glow after the pain went away would describe it right on the button.

Maybe a stationary bike and vibrating recliner would suit my purpose until I got up to speed. Too much hockey, malted beverages and those darn pepperettes. Man, tell you what I have a spare tire to fit a Mack truck. Time to lose that puppy.

All this exercise has made me tired, so bye for now Joe, its 9:30 am, in the cave and I hear my chair calling me. A short nap will help I am sure, unless the misses catches me and its over. Life is grand, ain’t it ?? .!!

This is why you all, IS FAT!!

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