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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dear Joe;

We send each other cards and letters and we have a snap shot of how your lives are going. Its a thing we started when we first met in a Radiator Repair shop and my bike had a gas leak in the tank. I will write it up later and we can enjoy it to-gether.

Merry Christmas Folks and the Best to you all.

Dear Joe;

Thank you for your card, I can’t believe its that time already again. And congratulations on your 80th birthday, how do you stay so young. I guess its riding the Harley does it, I think I heard if you ride a bike you stop time for a while.

Yes, I will be going on 66 yrs old again this year, next year. I like to have my own party in May, its lot warmer and the beer tastes BETTER THEN.

We are all fine here, kids are growing up too fast and they are now, 10 yrs, 6 yrs and 4 yrs old. they sure keep us busy and we had our youngest son move to help us, well try too. They can sure run your ass off some days. We love them it’s a great job, sometimes.

Our mother-in-law has been passed away a year now and we will miss her at the table.
And the other day her cat died as well, we were taking care of her until Mom was able to so, now they are united together, again.

I am just a year clear of my cancer operation and still recovering from the treatments. I didn’t ride to much this year I was too weak and it was all I could do to a mile or so. Man, I tell you what, that was the hardest thing to be do, ever.

I spent more money on batteries than gas this year, both my bikes needed them and then they were running a little rough, tune up time.

Our weather has been great just enough snow to make snowmen and a small fort and its already melted away, kids aren’t happy, too bad.

Anyway, we wish you the best in the New Year and you have a Good Christmas and we will toast your birthday at the table. You know it’s a good time to toast you right now, so I am going to cupboard and get some wine and I will toast you every morning.

That, is until the misses finds out and then I will have to explain that it was your birthday and we always toast your birthday, everyday, with the bikers health drink, in this case some wine or it could be beer or it be some Jack or just good old rye, some days.

And as far it been too early in the morning, its never to early, well we have get the day off to a roaring start don’t we, I mean the Harley has to roar at bit before it, purrs.

Thank you and keep the rubber side down, ride well my friend!!.

Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your Family.

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