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Saturday, December 22, 2012

How I met Joe.

How I met my friend Joe

In the younger days of my youth I would ride to the BMW rallies when they were within a days ride or 10 hours. At this point of my life I was a owner of a metric bike and that was fine because I could afford it. Sometimes the Family would go and other just myself.

This machine was easy on the pocket book and therefore since I was raising up a Family of teenagers, my budget was controlled by this fact. So, I had to save just like everyone else and buy a used machine. So, it came down to “how much”?.

I bought a 1983 Honda 750 c.c. black and no extras on it. It was a good bike and I enjoyed many miles on it. I would ride to these rallies with my buddies whom had moved to Beemer’s now and that was their interest and I was invited to go.

So, our first rally was only a 8 hours away and that was perfect. Only problem was these guys now rode at 120 klicks and I was left behind. And because the bike I rode was not fuel efficient at higher speeds, I had poor gas mileage so I stopped more. So, I decided to ride at my own level of comfort, aka “see you when I get there”.

As luck would have it there was a small pack of riders that were riding at the legal limit and I fell in behind them. When we pulled in for gas, guess what,they were women. I asked if they minded if I rode with them and I was ok with being the tail gunner,(last rider). No problem and that was the best ride ever, no hurries, no worries.

The only problem I had was keeping my mind on the ride, I was thinking its time for a Beemer as all these gals were riding them expect one. Anyway we made it and the guys were waiting and they were not laughing when, I pulled up with a posse of gals.

Sure I got ribbed that was ok because it was a the spirit of the ride and now there was a story to told and retold. The women were camped close by, so I asked to help them set up only if that was ok. Then I smelled gas, somebody was leaking.

It turns out it was my bike, and it was a seam separation in the front, small but still not tolerable. So, I had to go look for a shop to fix it. Saturday is a rough day to find a garage to help. I was given directions to Joe’s Shop because he was always open and he says come back on Monday.??

I had to explain that was “not from here” and I needed to have repairs done soon, because this was all the wheels I had. Well, ok, but you have to get the tank off yourself and then I will repair it. So, I parked the bike in the shade and it was already 90 in the shade and humid. It was off in a hurry and then we boiled the tank in hot water and it scratched my tank, Joe said this could happen.

So, while we were doing this I had to help him with a Dodge camper and remove the rad on it and then reinstall it. It was a hot and dirty job and I was not expecting this to happen. Then the gals came over to see if they could help and Joe says, No, thank you, but come over for lunch.

Soon all repairs are done and its 4 in the afternoon and we finally had lunch. The gals didn’t stay because of shopping but wanted to be sure the bike was ok. So, we had a nice chat Joe and I and he was going to get a bike too. He needed a new hobby. He was working too much. I mentioned my Family, he didn’t say anything about his.

When it came to pay he didn’t want anything. I said we should a cold beer and I went to get some, his friends came over and they had beer too. They never really closed the shop that day, The fact that he could help and I was appreciative was enough for them. I said I needed a calendar so I could send me a thank you card for his help and he wanted to know I got home ok.

Joe is now 80 yrs younger and has decided to put on sidecar on the Harley, his legs are getting weak. Well, the boys at the Hog shop aren't making any light bikes so you have to adapt.

Friday, December 14, 2012

True story , I am not, Judge Judy, folks !.

Hi Joe and Family:

Trusting this finds you well and well steeped in the Christmas preparations. With the kids, it’s the school plays and Claus parades and we have many lights in our town. True story, again and it involves my kid and the privileged delinquent next door. Looking for mischief.(rumour has it, he maybe moving in the near future, on the far side of town, even rougher out there.).

With the fresh snow fall comes fresh problems. The younger kids make little forts and snow people political correctness??. Hell, it’s a snowman., Merry Christmas, Good tidings and good will to you and Happy New Year.

When ,I said Merry Christmas to “peter da meter reader”, what did he say, ”back at you”, wtf, I said to him and I ranted for 30 seconds and I said the next time he steps on the property, the Ninja Cat has his name. No mercy, none. “is that back at you enough for you” ?.,butt head..

Did I digress?, the older kids, the imbeciles, stupid-mutts, wreck havoc on the little guys creations. Across the street is the former neighbour family, why, because one of my kids, an older one, with a big oral cavity said for her to “go to hell and mind her own business”, opus, not what to say to a mom in front of her little kids and …!!.
Well, in the real world, this could been handled right there on the spot. Now, with the political awareness group, it’s a fiasco. This lady comes over a blaring, yelling, turning blue and exhaling all over ,even I, Zbig-e-nuff, the biker was afraid. It was a honest rant.

“Yes, I know, but I ain’t Judge Judy, it happened over there. You handle it, write a letter to editor, don’t yell at me, its not polite, you offend me, I have rights too.! Yes, they are my kids, “make them beha
Make them behave,sure,whatever you want.!

ve”?. Look whom is speaking, yelling at the top of your voice, wanting to inflict physical damage to a certain person.??” Finger pointing and arms flailing.?? Yes, very dramatic.

“Make them behave”, Are you really, really pissed off, please call the police. Press charges, get your name on the record. Go to hell,??, Then,. please send them home And fret not.(Judge Judy says so).

Whatz, up??. Short story, the kids are not allowed to play over there……ever.!! Any toys we left over there were promptly returned. So, that’s where that went.!!. Her husband comes over and mumbles, sorry,??, no its me that’s sorry, my younger kid like to play there. NO, more kids playing with my kids, please.!! We shake hands. DONE.!!.

Since this happened, her kids are no longer visible nor can I hear them playing outside. She must be tres’ pissed,. My kids still play outside but not near the “high voltage compound”, stay away OR ELSE.

Gotta go, the washer has buzzed, the sheets are done, time for the dryer. Housework, bah, humbug.!!

Seasons Greetings to you all politically correctness bunch and A Very Merry Christmas to the rest of you all. They have taken many things away from our core values, saying a prayer before meetings, singing God save The Queen and now messing with the Christmas spirit of people. Whose rights are being offended, non believers or the ones that still hold onto traditions steeped in our pioneer fabric.

If was good enough for them, its ok with me too.!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Time, vanished in the Mist

Time, vanished in the Mist

Its two whole years since Mom has passed,

That time has gone, vanished in the mist.

Why is it time, sometimes drags,

And other times its just zooms in a blink.

There isn’t a day that goes by and we reflect,

About Her and I know she is fine.

I wonder if She looks in on us, She must,

To see how we are doing.?., always caring.

The mantle on the fireplace is now full,

Of pictures of relatives that have passed on.

I am having a solitary memorial in this room,

Might as well, I can toast them, they are all here.

The pictures are positioned, Elders first,

Not in any unique order, just placed by Families.

There is Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa, all special,

There funny stories still retold time and again.

Then Grandma and Grandpa, they are still fresh in mind,

Time has slowly eased the pain of their departure, slightly.

But a small twinge pokes your heart when you gaze,

At their pictures, smiling, twinkles in the eyes, eternal, now.

What disbelief that so much time has crept away,

Where has it gone, just like its yesterday.

The words, that echo, “I can’t believe they have gone”,

As you sip to their memory, “here’s to you all”.

You, finish looking at the pictures, your lineage ,

You sit and gaze from a comfortable chair.

Content, to sip and remember them, your folks,

When you were small, then they grew old, mellows you.

Soon, your drink is done, they are properly respected,

You say a prayer for them and hum a special song.

Soon, the warmth of the alcohol, makes you drowsy,

You nod, fall into a restful sleep, into Dreams, from somewhere.

Its, been two years since Mom has passed,

That time has vanished in the mist.

Bruce Nuckowski


The Thrill of Living

To watch the sun set in the west

Without regretting;

To hail its advent in the east-

The night forgetting

To touch the cup with eager lips

And taste, not drain it;

To woo and tempt and court a bliss

And not attain it;

To fondle and caress a joy, yet

Hold it lightly;

Lest it become necessity and cling

Too tightly;

To smother care in happiness and

Grief in laughter;

To hold the present close – not

Questioning hereafter;

To have enough to share – to

know the joy of giving;

to thrill with all the sweets of

life – is living.

We miss you,Mom.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This women’s lovely face.

As I was looking for a piece of paper to do with my passport app and a picture fell into my lap. The picture ended face up and I gazed at this women’s lovely face and I wondered whom she was.

Slowly I turned the picture over as our eyes seemed to be fixed in a stare that I can call curious, why are you here.? Then I read her name, it’s the same name as my wife’s name.

How could this be, was it indeed the Grandmother I heard about for over 45 years.

I called out and asked if the name meant I had found the long lost picture of Grandma on her fathers side.? Well. that was a sudden change in plans, my quest was to find out whom I had found. Suddenly that little file cabinet had a lot traffic.

Sure enough after a few moments it was verified that indeed this picture was of her and nobody knew where it came from. I had an idea so I voiced it and it was for me to search and report back and everyone went back to the important stuff of the day.

So, to make a short story, this picture was in a box that came from her Dads estate along with a Family bible full of dates of marriages, births and deaths. And it was put in the steel filing cabinet to be sorted thru later. So, its now years later, this picture had worked its self to the top the pile and made its appearance.

This picture along with some other cards was sealed in a zip locked bag, so how did it get out.? , did someone look thru the pictures and forget to reseal it?. Who knows, but in this bag were other pictures of people that are related thru marriage and many post cards.

Cards were cheaper than paper letters so these were sent more often. These cards were from 1900’s and the postage was 1 cent and not much of an address, but they got thru.

If fact some these cards were please read and write back letters and poems.

I sorted thru them and placed them in a photo album and then all can see them and they were protected. For the age of them these are in “mint” condition. Luckily, Grandpa wrote on the back of the cards so you knew whom the picture was of and then you marvel at the person.

A lot of history, soldiers from the WW 1, early Canadian farmers, young children, babies all unknown and now mostly forgotten and no body to continue the search of the ancestry, for now, maybe somebody later. The majority of these people are deceased and all there is, are pictures and letters. The Grandkids are in their 60’s, so what’s the chance they might have an interest.?.

p.s. this has started a Family search thru history and from these two names the list includes over 70 names of different people that we are related thru marriage and relationships. The stories that I have learned about can fill another 300 page book,easily.

Thank you, you are not forgotten.!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

School Days 1961-London,Ontario

School Days 1961
Holy Rosary Catholic School
Some, but not all seem to be having fun.!
Every time as I gaze at this picture I forget more of whom you are.
But, it was a good year, for some than others and I hope, it got better for you. 

All of you should be Grandparents by now,
with a few notable expections of course.

 I was sweet on most the girls in my class,(I bet you are still as beautiful) ,but I am sure you had  boy friends,such is life.

I salute you people for fond memories and laughs,
this is one of many milestones for the rest of your life.

Thank you all.

wait I have a , p.s for you,
when you stare long enough, a thought come to mind.


I found a old picture from public school and as I was looking at all those kids in their final year of care free living as a kid and taking a step into their own future, my mind began to turn and generate all kinds of scenarios that they could have chosen or befallen them in the next 50 years.

Of course I am in this picture as well and you know I feel like an ageless wizard, as I look at these faces I see their life’s flash before my eyes. I know everything about them, all the joys, the achievements, the sadness and in some cases some of them pass before their time as their faces fade away from view while others remain.

 I get this theory from my life as it has unfolded and developed and so using this same analogy I presume they had similar paths. And if I have offened anyone, I am sorry,its a story.

As I gaze at all these fresh young faces I wonder,

Definitely, you have been thru a lot ,

and now some of you have your grandchildren in your custody.

You are separated from your spouse,

You are remarried and a new set of kids,

Your spouse is still your best friend,

You and your spouse lead separate lives, my money,your money,

You are living alone, and happy about,

You are living alone and not happy,

You feast like a king or queen,

You eat like a hobo,

You are living in group home,

you are living with your kids,

your kids and their kids are living with you,(because you need each other),

you are living with your parents and caring for them,

your parents are living and caring for you, (happens), of course,

you are candidate for a nursing home,

you are on welfare or supported income,

you have a winter home and go there for 6 months,

you haven’t retired, you work at a fast food place,

you are retired and own half of your home town,

you drive a exclusive SUV its new and its black or white,

or you drive a heap, its older and rusting,

or you don’t own a car, even better,

your kids don’t care about you and you don’t care a shit about them,

your best friend is the pet cat or dog,

you love your grandchildren, no conditions,

you are glad to be alive and still able face each day with a smile

what you did all night, takes all night to do and in your dreams,.

you will drink a glass of wine and enjoy it for its character, at any time..

You enjoy watching the BBQ shows on YouTube ,……well, stretching ??

You are glad about all lot of things, especially, that you can write this to share.

Thanks, call you later,
Bruce the Moose.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Scammer at Work.

Hi Joe:

As you can see the mutts are at it again trying to scam people for money. I copied this for you to read and I have highlighted the spelling errors and use of language that means we are dealing with a moron, albeit a smart one but still a moron.

We notifies You several times about your debt to Pay Pal Bill Me Later.

In the event that you fail to voluntary satisfy our requirements for payment

of your debt to Bill Me Later, we well have to turn to the court with the

purpose of enforced collection of a debt, witch may entail additional

expenses for you, for example, the expenses in the amount of state duty,

the cost of representative's services for the compearance, the compensa*+++tory interest

for the use or detention of money for each day of delay, and the execution free.

Furthermore, in accordance with applicable law, you may be restricted from traveling

outside the territory of the country, and your property may be seized.

Based on the foregoing we offer you to pay the debt in the amount of 840.00

Monday, November 12, 2012


"Please wear a poppy", the lady said,

And held one forth, but I shook my head

Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,

And her face was old and lined with care;

"But beneath the scars the years had made

There remained a smile that refused to fade.

A boy came whistling down the street,

Bouncing along on carefree feet.

"His smile was full of joy and fun,

"Lady" said he, "may I have one?"

When she pinned it on, he turned to say:

"Why do we wear a poppy to-day ?"

"The lady smiled in her wistful way,

And answered: "This is Remembrance Day,

"And the poppy there is a symbol for

The gallant men who died in the war. "

"And because they did, you and I are free;

That's why we wear a poppy you see.

I had a boy about your size,

With golden hair and big blue eyes.

"He loved to play and jump and shout,

Free as a bird, he would race about .

As the years went by, he learned and grew,

And became a man - as you will too. "

"He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile,

But he'd seemed with us such a little while

When war broke out and he went away.

I still remember his face that day.

"When he smiled at me and said good-bye.

'I'll be back soon, Mum, so please don't cry.'

But the war went on and he had to stay

And all l could do was wait and pray.

"His letters told us of the awful fight

,(I can see it in my dreams at night),

With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,

And the mines and the bullets, the bombs and the fire."

"That sure did sound like an awful fight,

But your son - did he come back alright?"

A tear rolled down each faded cheek;

She shook her head but didn't speak .

"I slunk away in a sort of shame,

And if you were with me, you'd have done the same;

For our thanks, in giving is aft delayed,

Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid !

"And so, when we see a poppy worn,

Let us reflect on the burden borne

By those who gave their very all

When asked to answer their country's call

That we at home in peace might live.

Then wear a poppy ! - and give !

Please wear a poppy, it says: “Well done.”

Why Wear A Poppy by Don Crawford

Handwritten in pencil, and on two sheets of foolscap, Don Crawford turned this poem in to the, The Perth Courier one morning in the early 1960s, where it first saw print a few days later.

For the next several years, and by means unknown, “Why Wear A Poppy” appeared in nearly every weekly newspaper and magazine, including LEGION, in Canada at Remembrance time, as well as foreign publications like Australia’s Anzac Appeal and Scotland’s Claymore magazine, copies of the same being sent to him.

Some years ago, Dominion Command of The Royal Canadian Legion, produced it on slides and tape for television and radio. Schools have used it extensively for their Remembrance programs.

 Donald J. Crawford died in hospital at Perth on Saturday, October 7, 2000.

All gave some,some gave all.
We Thank you.!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How to make many pierogi.

Hi Folks: comfort food for you all and the cool weather,what a way to spend a day.!! And when its all done and you all are eating them,.......,does it get any better than this?. No sir, take pictures,share and do it again.

How to make pierogi.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blood pressure meds are totally worthless.

Blood pressure meds are totally worthless

Yes, folks its true, there are people that can do without them, if they try other ways to treat themselves. Meds aren' the answer for all of us.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Patriotic Retirement Plan

I think this could work

Dear Mr. Harper,

Please find below our suggestion for fixing Canada 's economy.

Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:

There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.

Pay them 1 million dollars each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire.

Ten million job openings - unemployment fixed

2) They MUST buy a new car.

Ten million cars ordered - Car Industry fixed

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -

Housing Crisis fixed

4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university -

Crime rate fixed

5) They MUST buy $50 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week .....

And there's your money back in duty/tax etc

It can't get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances

If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.


How about putting the very elderly pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home..

That way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.

Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request.

Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.

Each senior could have a PC, a TV, radio and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay $300.00 per week and with little hope of ever getting out.

More points of contention: [Think about this...]


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Alberta years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the barn?

And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.

I wonder if the cows had tracking chips implanted under the skin???.


We like it, its a good plan.
We can go and have fun,well one of us,might.

Friday, October 26, 2012

100 Strong and Funny - A MountainWings Moment

100 Strong and Funny - A MountainWings Moment

Watch this 100-year-old lady in this interview. I believe her

humor and philosophy of life has helped her to remain vibrant.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christmas 2012 -- Birth of a New Tradition

*Just for the record: I did not write this article,it was sent to me from a friend. I agree with it, lets keep Christmas simple. Merry Christmas you all. Its something to think about.

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Canadians with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of Canadian labor. This year will be different. This year Canadians will give the gift of genuine concern for other Canadians. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by Canadians hands.

Yes there is!

It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local Canadian hair salon or barber?

Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.

Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, Canadian owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates. Don’t forget the Health Food store, it has more ways for you get better if you wish.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the dollars on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.

There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Canadian with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the Canadian working guy? Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.

My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running. OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre. Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of lights, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining Canadian pockets so that China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about us, encouraging Canadian small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Canadians, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.

Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups -- throw up a post on Craig list in the Rants and Raves section in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?

BUY CANADIAN - BE CANADIAN - The job you save might be your own.

Doesn't he deserve a chance too??

Monday, October 22, 2012

Letters to Joe.

Hi Folks:
I haved decided to publish letters to Joe as a seperate blog. Over time all the letters to Joe will appear here .
Starting whenever Joe has decided.??

This is what Joe would like to ride, but
the fact is,
 he rides a 1977 BMW R100/7
slow,but safe.

Friday, October 19, 2012

As a caveman I like it, but the misses disagrees.

Hi Joe:

It was really to see you all at Thanksgiving and I don’t to look at any more food for at least a week. The kids played well together and our sons sure look a lot taller now or you all is getting shorter??.

We had some of the in-laws stay over and it was a pleasant visit with them. They stayed over night so we made room in the hall closets for the coats and shoes. Did they hang them there, no they choose to use the backs of the chairs.

And to be fair we decided to try this after they left to see if there was any benefit to this way of hanging your coats. As a caveman I like it, but since I have other opinions here, I will defer until later.

So, I gathered all the coats and hung them in the closet and they were surprised how neat the room looked.?? And the same for the shoes, they belong on the rack, not all over, so you trip on them. How can you teach the kids to be neat when, you don’t do it yourself.??

Another thing that was a surprise was the original bus driver whom had quit the route because of not enough help and other issues was hired back again. She, was a great person and needed help and the company or school took the E.A. person off her route.

It was a bit too much because these are special needs kids and they are a handful at any time. So, she left and they had 3 replacement drivers, 2 men and a women. The men lasted a total 3 days each and were replaced by another women whom lasted 5 days by herself. Then, they realized their mistake and rehired her with, “whatever she needed”.!!

We are all happy now and so are the kids, because she is worth her weight in gold or other precious metals that are available or a Tim Horton’s coffee card., what?? I, am a caveman and that works for me. Life is good. And we are not really missing the Hockey season so far, but that is another story.

Gotta, go to go, the beavers are having a noisy discussion over political matters, aka, who gets the PlayStation, ATV #1 game next.

Lulu and a faux pas about eggs.

*Preamble: another true story, talk about been lucky, lucky, lucky. Its, not what you say, its what is misconstrued, that gets a debate going, such as I have done. So, this is what I am writing about, with no interruptions.

To-day, its about a statement that I made about eggs, from a chicken. Envision the scène; It was a warm and sunny day in the back yard of the condo and as luck would have it, a “women” was there and of course, I, make a faux pas about eggs.

Because of the circumstances that occurred I nicknamed her “ Lulu” and I don’t remember if it was spoken out loud or psychologically became apparent ??.(this could be another story) . Its what goes thru your mind when you face arrogance. No matter, make it so Mr. Worf.

By definition a lulu is; An outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing. i.e. “outstanding in the field”, and can think what ever you want.!

And I should mention that she is a friend of my son’s, either that or give out her name. Hey, Gwen, which would you prefer.??., neither, ok, I got it.!!. Readers, please strike the name “Gwen” from your reminiscence. You didn’t read a thing and for-getta-bout-it, ok.

I, don’t know how it got started but my response come out as “eggs are vegetables” and then there was a petite discussion of what I had said and it came down to “you can’t out argue me / or out think me”, a challenge again from this women. Hmmm???, go for it.

I was thinking “eggs are edible” and you heard “vegetables” which I could have said, but that’s not what I meant and I didn’t get a chance to explain myself. It was not easy to get in a word.!!

Disclaimer: although I was in the area of the malted beverages I did not par take of them.!
And I never drank or quaffed any. Now, that’s a bummer, eh?. Looking, back at all of this, I should had the beer and discussed the merits of it as a food source. And I would have mentioned eggs any way?.

So, my thoughts were quickly turned to a “defend mode” because you were challenging and not giving me a chance to start any rebuttals. Aka, (your-hoof-in-my-mouth), sound familiar?.

“So, Yeah, of course, have you ever heard of, egg-plants?.” Try, that on for size. Is, that eggs are vegetables enough for you.?

And I stand by my opinion that an egg is edible and has many purposes in a lacto-vegetarian divergent way.(I don’t know if it has any allusion to the subject?) not been a pure vegan precludes me from any intellectual dialogue, with this person, now or ever!.

Because, this can be disputed. And, for the record, Gwen, “you have to get up early in the day to stay even with me” and silence does not mean I agree or do I lack an answer back??., I was been courteous as I deferred my reply, with a raison d'être! I, rest my case and you say what??.

You may rejoinder or just concede there is no match to be had. Thank you, for the amusement and I bid you, adieu., .

. I, didn’t want to be moneyed or eminent and I have achieved that plateau rather easily, so I have impertinence.


Did you say there were eggs here.?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Do your kids piss you off ??.

* this language is graphic, the stories will surprise you.!! The people are real.

FYI, this site is a venting area written by people pissed off
at their marriage,their spouses and their kids.!!

 Check it out, you aren't the only one with a problem.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Boy Scout at the Beer store.

Hi Joe;

Are you enjoying the wonderful weather we are having.? I sure am and as luck would have it I had to go the beer store for …..??. Luckily, I had empties other wise I would not buy what I should have. Women, would love the beer store, every thing is on sale and there are specials all the time. No coupons.!

You are not going to believe my luck to-day, the boy scout had an opportunity to help a damsel in the parking lot.., this is almost the same thing that happened at the Corner Tire store where a lady was trying to stuff her cute little car with a bike.

Of course I park near the “seniors only” spot aka “the front door” which was empty. I guess you can’t really park there.??. People use this entrance to get in and out.??. So, I am parked beside this real cute little car, a KIA Sole de Ole’ and I am looking this over and saying, hum, ”what A CUTE CAR”.

Then I hear some bottles clinking in a cart been wheeled over to the cute little car. I hear lunch. And the women behind the cart is like from” a Vogue magazine layout out:. All I can say is” I am blinded by the light”, she is just gorgeous. And what she wore was, a flowing piece of cloth wrapped in a smooth and gracious body and they were made for each other. Multilayer, polyester with cotton blended accents.

The pace maker has kicked in and guess what I am saying to her, “Hi, you all need a hand”.? No, thank you I can do this.!! But, it looks so heavy, are you sure.?? Yes, I am fine. Do, you mind if I watch you heave those boxes in the trunk. She must be a fitness instructor. So, what kind of bike do you ride.? No, bike just a car. (I wish I had a camera). Arms. Just a flying and zip in go the boxes, poetry in motion.

She is doing all the work and I am the one that is breathing hard. I think the pacemaker needs a tune-up or I gotta to control my breaths. I guess I can’t talk and breath at the same time. Hum???. Well, its not like I am an non athletic person, a slow rider.

This car is small until you open the back hatch door and it looks like a 23 foot semi trailer. And she swinging those boxes in like they were made of foam. 24 bottles per box. And her purse is the size of lap top. And she had 3 different brands. I ask, does this person have a identify issue or something.?

Well, they weren’t sure what they wanted so I just picked what was handy. I offer that she would be better off with a 28 bottles of Moosehead and that will cure what ails them.! Thank you she offers and I take her cart for my empties. She is just a light as a butterfly as she glides into her car, real nice to meet you.!! .

Thank goodness, I had the empties in the back of the truck because I just forgot “what the hell I was doing here”. Yes sir, a seniors moment and I enjoyed all of it. The Boy Scout almost rode again and I was willing to be ridden and to travel. Well, its not like it sounds, is it?.

Made my purchases and made it home and I was singing, “I am an old cowhand from the Rio Grande”.

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande

But my legs ain't bowed and my cheeks ain't tan

I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow

Never roped a steer cause I don't know how

Sure ain't a fixin to start in now

Yippie yi yo kayah

Yippie yi yo kayah

What, no Moosehead, sheez?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Who touched and moved my stuff??.

Hi Joe;

It sure is nice to have the kids in school again, I can relax and my heart beating slowly and in sync with the earths rhythms. Its time for a another tea, green and dark, unsweetened, sounds healthy, with a sugar laden donut on the side.??. what, you gotta have sugar.

What, I want to ask you about today was, did your misses ever move or get rid of some of your stuff that you weren’t using and that was collecting dust, (in her opinion),BUT had a purpose unknown to her, but very crucial to you.??

I can’t prove it here but, I think there is some movement of said stuff that I don’t see any more or remember if I even had it, but I decided I needed to see it for comforts sake. This next line is significant , I think I am losing it..??.

“Its not important to some people, but to me, its very essential that I know this (location on my stuff) or otherwise I am losing my grip on the present situation, I am in and for all I know, I maybe, where I don’t want to be, but I am and I am not from here.”

Reread the above statement, until you get what I am getting at, you all !..,if I need to explain it, then…is there any hope for us Cavemen, ever.??( ok a hint, you leave your shit in a certain spot and when you go looking for it, IT should still be there, unless it was …...??) I, generally put it back when I am finished.

i.e., The other day I was looking a catalogue (reference, beyond question) from the hardware store which is still current to me even though its 2 years old. The only thing that changes is the prices but, otherwise all the stuff is the same. My misses decides this has dust on it and its old and it needs to go to recycling.

I have no problem with that, other than its my stuff that is moving. She cleans her reading material in the same frequency as she changes her mind and I am not in that category. I like to slaver, (drool over) that book and look at every page until I know where everything is.!! This folks, is a sign of mental power in the prime of life, or in plain words, an old guy drooling in a corner over a hardware store catalogue.

The question has arisen as to whether I do talk to myself during these periods in cloud nine. And that will remain just that a question without an answer. Hint; do not bother me when I am speaking.!! lols?.

So, I ask her, “dear did you see my catalogue from Home hardware” ??, without missing a beat she answers , “its old and I will get you a another because I am going up there to-day to look at some bricks.!!” Thank you, dear, that’s fine. Bricks, I did hear bricks and I not going to ask .!!.

If she says she is going to look at bricks, then bricks it is. Notice, here folks, that at no time did she mention she, threw my / our old book away or admit any such thing, BUT, said she would get me a new one instead.

If this isn’t the most diplomatic way of saying, “so you got me”, I don’t know what is.!! The power of words , have always amazed me and that’s why you need to be a trial lawyer, to read between the lines.!!.

So, anyway its back to work, the break is over and I just heard that the truck won’t start and somebody has to go somewhere right now. Can you call a taxi or is that too easy.?? . I love working under pressure, if its not worth doing ,then why do it.?? This will be another story. Bye for now.

p.s., it needs a new battery and can’t complain, its been in the truck for over 10 years, now where is the Interstate Battery catalogue??.., hello, dear, have you seen…..??

*Pacemakers should be set to the High-Medium range and in Auto-pilot mode.!!
And a oxygen tank on stand-by.
Take off your glasses, they will fog up.!!

You look at your catalogue and I will look at mine. The hardware store is at the back.
There will be a time when you gotta quit staring, you all will get dizzy, just saying.
Did you by any chance notice the skipping rope in her hands?.
Well, I am outta breath watching her.!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Anniversary wishes

Hi Joe;

Thank you for the anniversary wishes and its hard to believe we have been married this long and we still like each other. And what else is humorous that the wishes become fewer each year. Well, its not amusing because some of the well wishers have moved on to paradise, so you can’t expect a note from them.

But from all the other people that were there I guess they have forgotten the special moment in time. Our wedding day was the hottest and most humid day in the history of that city in that year. How can you forget that feeling with all your clothes stuck to you like glue and you are sweating in small rivulets from your head to our feet. That is aka “A HOT WET FEELING”, and you can think whatever you want.

After over 40 years of the same date been fêted you think everyone that cared for you would automatically send out greetings just like the other national days of celebration, but not so. People forget about it and just zone in on their lives which now include more celebrations of their own Families.

So, in a way when you have Family Reunions it’s a form of celebration and more likely to see who is here and you won’t be here next year, yes life the never ending cycle of new life and continual passing away.

And to respect those that are close to this plateau, if its of any comfort, we are going there in time. Yes, I know it’s a kick in the nuts, I didn’t say this was a sentimental journey did I.? , I apologize.

Anyway Joe, thank you again and I have to go ,I hear a call for help, its not serious?. The youngest boy is washing dishes and there is water coming down the stairs, so you can, IMAGINE WHATEVER YOU WANT, I GOTTA GO.!!. Did you know that water emerges anywhere.??.

P.S.; Our sons have not acknowledged our anniversity,  because they don’t know, what they don’t know.
P.S. 2: (actual e-mail sent to us)  please note the sensitivity. “Sorry, we missed your anniversary but since I wasn't there, I don't remember the date. and let me know when your anniversary is so maybe it will get remembered.” Is it Aug. 31st?.

 (that is a real good one).!wtf ,eh, ??,. Fair enough, that makes sense, you don't know, what you don't know, so all we can say is "you all is forgetfull". I need to pause as a moment as I am choked up with emotions I never knew I had before. I am verclemkept , please discuss among yourselves..

And since you did ask,I still ain't telling you.!!!

So ??

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No Cat in the Hat for Poppa.

Dear Joe;

How are to-day ?, and is it warm here too. I am going to tell you something although it is amusing ,also its not. A car has hit a pole at the corner of our street and the only thing that was damaged in our block was the main cable TV line, knocked off the pole.

So, that means no Cat in the Hat for me to watch, a moment of silence to reflect on the impact that this has caused. And of course my internet and phone are off as well, so much for a bundle deal, they get all my money and I lose all my services. HUM, maybe sticking with Bell was a good idea after all. Hum, have to think about that one.

Oh, and try phoning those peoples for service is something that pisses me off as well. You get a answering machine that acknowledges there is trouble in the hood and they are working on it. I have to phone from a pay phone 4 blocks from my home to report I have no signal.???? And it’s a Bell phone. So, I didn’t bother to phone, there are other people that are reporters, that do this job very well. UFO’s, not this week.!!

No, folks I don’t have a cell phone either, so I am a dinosaur and besides the cable company already knew there was a problem because the infrastructure of the plant, it sent an alarm back and they knew before I did. Cell phone, had one implanted in me for 20 yrs, no thanks.

And from my front window, there is nobody on the street doing nothing. The lying bastards. All the cables are on the ground and NOT in harms way, but also NOT working. And mommy is pissed.??? Did I mention it is a Saturday at 6 o’clock in the evening by any chance??.

So, I have finished making burnt offerings on the Q and I have consumed 750 mls of mighty fine wine in the process of making dinner on the Q, which is very hot to-day because it is over 30 degrees C air temp + the Q heat, it’s a Blacksmiths dream.

Now, on top all this the cable goes off due to unknown circumstances like a truck/car hitting the pole, suddenly becomes my problem. Hello, I ain’t the Mayor of the Block and I don’t care that your cable is off. My only problem is keeping the wine flowing and burning the offerings, aka dinner.

So, in a word or two, folks, screw Off and get a Life, please go and support the Salmon Fest at the bay. There is plenty of people that may want to listen to you for moment and them they will tell you to, Piss Off as well. Now, that what I call “relative humidity”.

No sooner than I have finished this rant, guess what the cable boys show up and I was able to assist them in their endeavors in getting the signal on until the Ontario hydro showed up and I was relieved of my duties. And the signal is back on now and life is back to normal. Sigh, a bit of excitement in my life.

So, are you going to go fishing this week.??, I ain’t busy, so if you need a “buoy there” for company.?.

See you alls later,

What red light??

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A story about a piss poor restaurant.!!!

So, to-day it’s a story about a piss poor restaurant that we happened to pick and tried to eat there. To be fair I am sure that they do serve a good meal here.(when?). I, am sure there are other good restaurants in the area, but we choose this one because it was recommended and we feel the person was telling us a firkin’ fib. We will make sure he gets to read the blog for sure.

Did you ever go a place to eat and the food was so yucky that even a doggie bag with two gold stars on it, won’t elevate it to a stature fit for your dog.?? Only a real s-muck would try and feed this to his best friend and it’s a small wonder that you get bit in the ass when you aren’t looking.!!. Doggie Bag,??, leave the stuff there. Your dog deserves better than that, but of course you will reheat and eat IT.??, wtf ??.

I am sending this to the place in town and a copy to head office and then on this blog. It won’t do anything but I will feel better about it.?? Revenge of the Rationally Dis-a-d-d-vanced or something.

Dear Sir;

We had the misfortune to have visited your restaurant during the mid week. I am complaining about the food, that was a problem. And, we had to ask for condiments for our orders. You would think that it would come automatically when setting a table.?? Along with the fork-ink’ knifes.

We had two orders of your supposed fish and chips and in different sizes and both were under cooked. “Lightly battered?’ That was pancake mix into which they were dipped . Which probably explains the uncooked batter inside. Beer batter, not on your life..!! , in your dreams maybe.

It didn’t seem busy to us and yet our food gave us the impression that it was cooked in a “hurry” and was ill prepared. We mentioned this fact to the girl and we were given an explanation and she made an attempt to get this corrected.??. what are you doing to do, refry it.??, should have left. But, no, we eat the fish and left the batter on the plate.!! so we were hungry, yes, I know why complain, if you are eating a poor meal.??

If we are asking about the preparation of the food and are not happy about it, you would think it would get corrected.??, not really, we should have picked up and left and just paid for the drinks. The fact is we travel around a lot and every place we have visited had good food, not so yours.

Maybe you should have “a chefs surprise day”, but you take your chances and if you finish your meal, by chance, the drinks are free.!!. But, first you must announce you want the special of the day and you don’t care what comes up. “rules”. Sorry, I do digress.

This was mentioned so, we decided not to tip the girl for full 15% of the total bill. It was inexcusable. And,. When she asked how was it,?, we relied “never seen anything like this before”.!!, really, really.!!,

Anyway, I don’t expect you will do Anything, to compensate us for the dreadful meal or do I want to come back, I rather go the Harvey’s, or A and W, where at least the food is prepared in the same fashion every time and it’s consistent and warm. Atmosphere, taking in account as well.

Do you know that, “McDonalds” on this day would have been better, than what we had at your place. “Ronald McDonalds” .!!! Why is it you can’t get a decent meal from you people??. What you say or do will not alter the fact, your place does NOT, give “consistent good food service”.

How the hell you stay in business is beyond me. On a scale out of, 10, you rate a 4.0., You are rated as #23 out of 62 restaurants in our town.. and you are a major chain with weak links.

The small downtown eatery is even ranked higher than you.!! And that place has authentic atmosphere and it’s a mom and pops place and the food is delectable. The following, hints will tell you which place I am referring to. Starts with a K and ends with an S.

Whatz dat dare??? Chef's Surprise.!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Boy Scout Rides Again, the stupid macaroon.!!

Hi Joe:

Well, we are fine and our kitten is now fixed so we won’t have to worry about more kittens. There are a few people that I have met, that the same thing should have happened to their parents. I know its nasty but you wonder wtf sometimes.

I gotta tell you this story about my supposed friend. Well, since this has happened I don’t think he is a friend, but, he is somebody I know. I asked if I could lend a hand helping him move some stuff into his new home and they said ok. Boy Scout rides again to another flaming adventure. What a macaroon.!!

I was planning to use my truck to help but it turns out there is 4 of us in a car and a trailer to move stuff. I was thinking this is going to be easy and I can be home early and do some stuff around the house. Well, it started that way and then the wheels came off the whole dam train. Somehow, We ended up moving 3 sets of appliances, fridge and stove from 3 locations??. As well or instead, I haven’t figured that one out yet.

So, let me tell you how this went. And for added suspense, the doors had to taken off the fridges because they were large or the door openings were too small and then reassembled again at the new locations. And in one case the house door was removed.

And from what I remember not much was really moved in the first place or maybe. * now pay close attention if you lose your “place” you will have to start over. And maybe you should reread, to grasp this moment, I didn’t believe it when I read it and I was there in person.!! It’s a true story, really, really.

* Having said that,I will remind you that this story has been embellished for dramatic's for your enjoyment.
You don't really think that could happen to a person, even he is a Boy Scout do you.??

Ready.?? Place #1, is the where all the stuff is leaving from, to go to place #2, the new place.

Place #3, is the place where the appliances went to from place # 2 and the appliances from place #3, went to place #1 and the appliances from place #1 went to place #2. And there is a place #4, keep reading.

And when the appliances from place #3 made it back to place #1, They came from place #4, to go to place #3 because we were getting new appliances and place #3, needed some because they just moved in some time ago and it was decided our stuff was better than what was there.. So, Did you get all that.??

Wait, wait, there was stuff moved, only I was not paying much attention and all I know is I was there until about 5 o’clock in the evening and all I had was 2 bottles of water. WTF you say??, yes this is what happened. I might have had a few candies.???, I don’t remember, it was a zen flash.

And when its all moved, then they said well lets eat and there wasn’t a thing started for supper and they were still thinking of what to have. 3 women were there most of the day, (place #2) and they were rearranging all that we had placed there in the first place. What, more places.??

So, if you are a smoker, you don’t get real hungry. But, if are a mean moving machine, I get real hungry. Bullshit to this, I am sorry I hear my mom calling and she says my supper is ready.!! And they still wanted me to stay and eat and I said no, I really have to go home.

And it was a warm day and I was wearing the coveralls made in 99% polyester and they were hot and I was steaming. At least somebody could had enough foresight to have some beverages and pizzas for us. Like a frosty, ice-cold, perspiring, freezing, beer for shits sake. With a thick rising crust with a cheesy surprise and double tinged basil sauces, portabella mushrooms ,red n green peppers, olives, bacon bits, is that too much to ask for???. NO.!!

So, when you get back home and think about all this will a cold one in your hand, all these random thoughts from the day coming crashing into my head and I say, hey there is a story here. Quick scribble it down. And of course I am shaking my head in wonder, WTF, where are some peoples heads.

So, you ask if I can help you move sometime, don’t be surprised if I say” no”, I am helping my mother with something, sorry.!!. all day and I am staying for supper and I am doing the dishes and then we are going to knit some socks.

See you, Joe.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer time at the Lake Cottage

Hi Joe:

Well, its raining here, so no outside work. I want to continue about the cottage and what it was like with all the people there that made this place special in its glory days. This is my supposition of the Families.

The main purpose of the cottage was for Family time and to relax from the city or town and enjoy a simpler time as the Families were growing up and struggling with the day to day life. This was a place where the rules could be relaxed and everyone could explore who they were.

Parents of course were still watchful over the kids but it was the aunts and uncles that didn’t hassle them over certain rules. They in fact would encourage the youngsters to do their own thing within reason and still have fun.

This would make your Uncle or Aunt a person to admire more so than Mom and Dad. These people were laid back already because of there nature and the quiet calm and wisdom they had rubbed off on their nieces and nephews. Having said that, they also had a lighthearted side and that’s what was the most fun when they all played games of tag, hide n seek or duck, duck, goose, within limits.

These relatives would instruct the kids on the proper pronouncement of certain words read to them from the paper or magazine as they explored new ways to improve their minds and outlooks on life. These words will stick with them as they brag about “listen to what I can say” and do you know what it means?.

And now the ipads and iphones are the replacements tools the adults use to teach the kids and the kids also can teach the adults as they are more in tune with the technology used in schools. Reading in the bathroom is going to take a new dimension., not the same??, Or different.?. these models even have a piano and guitar programs on them and the kids can play them very well.

Before the advent of hand held electronic games I could imagine that reading out loud, coloring books and looking thru magazines or Sears catalogues was the way to pass time in the evening. They would have their snacks and washed up and now some quiet time before bed to settle them down.

This was a time where the family would bond on a personal level as each child would rotate around the relatives and say their good nights and review that special moment that was fresh in their minds. Hugs and kisses and then off to bed.

Once the kids were in bed the parents would play cards or read or just talk about the events of the day and their own world. The quiet chatter and laughter would drift to the bedrooms of the kids and give them a sense of comfort as the sandman came to put them to sleep. Sometimes the critters of the night might interrupt the sleep but only a short time.

Morning was another adventure waiting to happen as everyone slowly awoke from the sleep and began to go about getting food for the Family. Mom would start the kettle and Dad started the coffee in his usual manner and soon the smells of the breakfast was drifting around and waking the rest of the Family up.

The feeding was in stages as the kids were fed first and then the adults would filter in the empty spots or wait in the rec room for a turn. The kids would get dressed and the younger ones would dawdle in pjs for a while until someone would help them. And soon its time for them to go outside and play.

The day was spent swimming, playing in the fields and forests and getting back in time for a quick snack or lunch and then going away again to continue. The smaller of the kids would have a afternoon nap and the afternoon would laze away into evening. Suppers were the same, kids first and then the adults.

After the dishes were done it was a walk down to the shore and watch the big old sun set into the water ending another perfect day of bliss. The kids were given a quick bath and into their pjs again and the evening would slowly dwindle to bed time for the kids.

This was a wonderful time for all and it was sad to see the aunts and uncles pack up and leave, but the next day more relatives would show up and it all begin again. Summer time at the Lake just never ceases to amaze and revitalize people with a short visit. Time, well spent.

Cheese,........its coool!!
 So, Joe, want to be a kid again??.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The story is about this cottage and its magic

Hi Joe;

How did you enjoy the long weekend?. We were invited out to visit the in-laws at the cottage and this was an experience worth telling you about. The visit went well, but it’s the aura of the cottage that intrigued me the most. Other people just wouldn’t notice things that I was attracted to.?

The story is about this cottage and its magic on me as I first viewed it in its cornered shaded and heavily treed lot. It had a certain timeless grace to it and its little nooks and carnies held little stories of their own. As I wandered around in the cottage I saw lots of well worn furniture and special blankets, pillows and afghans in each piece as well as the beloved wooden chairs. And the pictures on the wall old and faded and significant.

And then there is the smell of the cottage. Many different smells and complex aromas have been generated with the people going about there daily lives and enjoying the simple pleasures this offers. Its like opening a can of coffee and you breath deeply and the calming effect this has on your self, the cottage has the same effect as well.

The bathroom was small, about the size of a closet on the boat. You think this area would have been the largest for the amount of people that depend on it. Maybe there was an outdoor can that was available for the men only. No, more discussion on that, but I can sure write a story if required.

There was no air conditioners, a ceiling fan in the kitchen, it was the cross breezes from windows and screened doors., Certain doors gave a squeak in protest of been opened and closed. The appliances all had their certain uniqueness and you could see notes to help the next cook figure out the stove. Charming and homely would describe this place and I could imagine all the special memories this place held to the Family. It was like putting on a comfortable sweater against the cool of the evening.

There no electronics, no TV’s, no phones, just a radio with rabbit ears, that captured some faraway signal, once in its life. A few jig saw puzzles and game boards were stacked neatly in the cupboards. Kids will bring their hand held games but there is a time limit on them, enjoy the out of doors, play with them later.

And the outdoor family Fire pit is always ready to warm and cook snacks like s-mores. It had a character of its own and it was easy to see why it was close to the house as many meals were served off its hearth. Gas Bar-b-ques are more efficient, and will in time replace this timeless treasure.

As I looked around, no dusty bunnies or cobwebs were to be seen, either very good house keeping or the breeze sure is stiff in here. There was a bit of carpet but mostly good old vinyl flooring and it was in good shape. The bedrooms were all arranged for adults and kids, so theoretically you could have slept anywhere. It was well cared for and neat as a pin when empty of guests.

The front deck was ample, with tables and chairs, perfect. There was a lot of room and with a rail on top to hold your plate of food ,all you need is a chair and that’s how you eat your meals. You could see every one and talk without our spraying them with your food. Ain’t, life grand.??. Life experience, priceless.

But, because of the age of the principal owners this was surely the last year this cottage would have its original Families here as the place was going to go up for sale and no one was willing to buy it and carry on the traditions. I think that, All the special memento’s would go in the trash and then it was a done deal. The usual kids treasures of stones, drawings and feathers and pieces of drift wood.

That is a sad thing, as the grandkids and their ilk will never know how unique this place was to their great-grandparents, thee grandparents and the parents where they sent all summer long here, learning to swim, growing up and bonding with the land they called the Summer Place by the Lake. Telling a kid about it is one thing, but let them live it, the experience, is another. Lessons about life.

I don’t know what the reasons are that the younger age group of kids are turned off about. If it’s the price of the cottage or the hassle of getting there that makes less attractive. Perhaps the lack of luxurious accommodations and surroundings. They are perhaps the ones that find going to the “the Blue Mountain Chalets” as perfect source of activity. Not, the same.!!

Best time of all is when everybody is making supper and dinners and as the burnt offerings are been prepared on the Holstein grill and its smoke and aromas whetting everyone’s appetite. Hot dogs for the kids and burgers for the adults with corn on the side and a famous homemade salad and crusty buns.. I can imagine the noise as everyone was digging in and trying to talk with a mouth full.! Towels and napkins, please.

Its like ritual happening 3 to 4 times per day that a makes this all special, all I know is when you are near water you are always hungry and the kids are twice as hungry. Cooking outside is better than a hot kitchen, everybody gets a break and only one is a fryer aka a cook.

That warm and fuzzy feeling you get when its over, plates are loaded, people fed and your dinner is cold. Yes, been the camp cook, is a privilege all onto its own.!! No dishes to do.!! And you are expected to do this again.??? Anybody else, want a turn??. Many a fine times are spent at this location and the chats that were held, beyond priceless.

This nostalgic moment is brought, by Many Beers and Ales, and mighty fine wines, brought here ever since the cottage was built, a lot of malted beverages was consumed here, processed here and left here to mingle with the earth from whence it came. I am sure if you scouted around you could find some empties of glory days waiting to see the light again. Cycle of life, you bet.!!

Hey, Joe, want to buy a cottage, I hear we can get a real deal.??. ,those nooks and carnies sound interesting .!!.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Adventures in the Hood.

Its been a while since the last episode of neighbor hood kids getting mean with each other and now that school is out that changes the dynamics a little bit. This kids now need to find more things to do that are constructive because the destructive is already in play. If one doesn’t think of it the other surely does.

The few that are sent to day camps are well cared for and if they all play together things work well or otherwise they get sent home early. If they continue to act out enough they get uninvited for the rest of the camp and become a pest at home.

Well, there are two little guys, well 11 and 12 yrs old isn’t little, but the brain power sure is. They were caught doing damage to properties and taking turns in out doing each other in their challenges. The last straw was a assault on two smaller kids with threats and actually knocking them off their bikes.

The parents were quick to fix things but the promise of “law enforcement action” was loudly stated and implied to each of the boys. Only one was given his just desserts and the other got away scott free. And to keep them apart is going to be a chore since both seem to ignore our instructions in this manner.

The scott free kid has no discipline at home or suffers no consequences, so he is disadvantaged by his parent whom can’t do anything with him, he also swears enough to make me blush and at times its directed at adults. Old school, would be the “wood shed”, should we be bringing these buildings back??.

So, if they (parents) call the police, it will be outta of our hands and then its off to the “juvenile hall” to let them deal with it. I prefer to send both of them to a “friendly boot camp” where you work to eat and you eat to work for a time until you understand you are a nasty and need to pull up your socks. Some where in this place you have to shovel “horse shit”, exercise, leadership and education is provided. FREE!!.

There is nothing like mucking out a stall, you throw your weight in horse shit all day. And guess what tomorrow you get to do this again. You start to get an appreciation of nature at work. How can a horse produce so much shit and he doesn’t really do anything in return.??, by now the reality is sinking in.!!

At the moment our society is leery on doing this because of the age of the kids and other problems on being inclusive or exclusive. You can’t be sugar coating this, “they are little criminals ” unless you intervene you have failed your child and yourself. Little Johnny “ain’t cute anymore”. But, in real life this corrective society exists and it does help the ones that want to free themselves of self destructive behaviors.

Tough love is ok folks, somebody benefits, remember its for their good. Beat your chest and cry, but please get over it. Funny thing is; behind our backs the kids play together and have fun and the parents are still pissed off about it, but its not clear why or at whom???. That is really extraordinary.

So, this begs the question, whom is the fool here.??

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Buffalo Theory

I was asked how I determined what I wrote about and what shaped my thoughts. This was a question that was tossed around among some of friends or people I know on this subject. Well, I said as an example to-days conversation can be a topic to expand on and I might do it.

I then mentioned the “buffalo theory” in my usual ramblings to get the topics going and see if there is any interest in the group. But, after a few beers this never happened so I left and let them drool in their stupor.

So, to continue my musing I offer the following for you to read and if its of any interest to you that’s fine and if its not, it wasn’t going to be anyway. The quality of my answers is in proportion to the amount of malted beverages consumed as the wisdom of the inner cranium is released and I am either brilliant or stupid.

The Buffalo Theory as told by Cliff Clavin:

No one can explain this as well as Cliff Clavin, on Cheers. One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to his buddy Norm. and here's how it went:

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.

"In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.

In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

The in-laws also have to put up with me, I am a pain or a pleasure, depends on the mood I guess. I, didn’t want to be moneyed or eminent and I have achieved that plateau rather easily, so I have impertinence.

moneyed or eminent ??