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Monday, May 7, 2012

Pick, him up, ASAP please !

I am sorry: - -that I hit / hurt with my hands

-I used to kick with my feet.

-I made fun of people.

-I caused problems on the bus.

-I was rude to the bus driver.

-I was rude to my class mates.

-I was rude to my teachers, indeed I am sorry.

The other day we get a call from the school to inform us that our grandson is suspended for the remainder of the week from school. And would we come and pick him up ASAP please. With a quick summary of what happened to cause this call from them, I said I would be right up there. So, the question is, how can a little kid cause so much chaos, that they have to suspend him?.

If, You read the few words above it will explain what happened to have them finally give up and send him home to us. I, guess when you push and shove the consequences are some one gets hurt and it wasn’t pretty.

The school had agreed to a playground arrangement where as the boys that were prone to fight , would be separated from each other and they could play without incidents and be monitored.

The experience was working out well and every one seemed to get along and then it was decided to let them play together and see what would happen. What, happened was my kid was sent home. The boys began to call names, push, shove, kick, gash, gouge, swing fists and so on.

I am sure he wasn’t the eventual winner, but he got to go home and leave the school in a comparative peaceful state. So, why are we penalized for his mistakes.?, aren’t you supposed to handle this at school?.

These teachers are great, but you can only bend over so far.!! Rules, are made for guidance.

As, I have written before, I ain’t Judge Judy and I don’t want to be. As for the other boys, I didn’t ask, (maybe, they were sent home) ?? ,not likely.

So, he had all his privileges suspended at home and that was a unpleasant task for him to accept. He was given small chores to do to keep him busy and to think about his actions at school. The reason for his reprimand, which has long faded from his mind and he is now pissed about having to do menial labors and also at us for making him do it.

We explained it wasn’t us you should be upset about ,its yourself. Your behaviors weren’t appreciated and you have the consequences to pay. Slowly, his privileges were returned or taken away again if his actions didn’t improve. Please, don’t ruin our day because you are in a grump.

Trying to be positive about this situation is difficult and my opinion is; the kid is enjoying the extra attention. And if he learns anything about this experience it’s dubious to me, right now. So, he had to write a letter to say he was sorry and He would make an effort, to improve.!! (we have heard this before) might happen.

Stay, tuned as this adventure no doubt, will continue.     

* As a side note,the boys were sent to day camp and every day one or the other or both,  is asked to leave early for behaviour.There is a waste of money,NON REFUNDABLE, ouch.!! Rules.!! If you carry this forward,you see why kids get sent home from school, they can't handle them.!!!

Facts are; the kids come first, but in the end, will they be the enabled??. Should, kids come second in some things??. Are we too lenient??. Should we bring back the strap??? That, will be my next enlightenment, just as much for you, as it will be for me.!! Man, .I just gotta read this.

What, am I thinking?, well I am not sure, not.! Don’t forget now, this is my opinion, based on what happens in real time. Life, isn’t fair, so get used to it.

I, am not one to shy away from anything, you can’t, there is belief in what I do and sometimes it isn’t the popular thing. Now, I know what a political person feels like. “ I, love it, ??, nope! Satisfying?, nope. Is it worth it?. If, it teaches my kid a lesson, and he benefits, yes.! I, will do what it takes.

Hi,who is next??.

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